What it is:

The most robust quotes management system available to B2B in-market today – integrated into the Ultra Commerce core. Enhanced quotes management from Ultra Commerce allows for fluid, seamless custom quote submission and return between customer and vendor. What was historically solely an email-centric communication is now done in real-time, wasting no time in getting a deal done that satisfies both parties, while continuing to foster the good will that leads to future transactions and repeat business.

  • Create quotes independently of an order
  • Expiration date on the quote
  • New quote name field
  • New order type for “quote”

Digital Quote Process
Digitizes the quoting process between buyer and seller and creates an online workflow for quoting that integrates with the customer service team.

  • Customer initiates a quote online, submits for approval
  • Configurable approval process kicks off and internal team is notified
  • Customer service reviews. Can adjust prices, negotiates, make adjusts and update order mix
  • Approve / reject by the customer
  • Any approved quote can be converted to an order and completed through the “Place Order” button on the website.

Workflow & Communication
The quote workflow process is built into the Telligence automation suite, giving the business team the opportunity to create and configure an automated quote communication and follow-up process that’s unique for the business. 

Reporting & Tracking
All quote history is maintained when converted to an order for accurate reporting on conversions and the quote-to-sales funnel. 

Why it’s great:

A once tedious, manual, back-and-forth process driven by email where customers request quotes and vendors approve, deny or adjust and resend for customer approval needs a more streamlined approach. Enter Ultra Commerce and enhanced quotes management.

  • Track status and lifecycle of quote in real-time
  • Ability to approve, deny or modify and return quotes to the customer for immediate approval
  • Place a time limit or expiration date on approved quotes to stay current with fluctuating prices/markets
  • Price optimization – deep metrics/analytics on wins and losses, so you can adjust pricing accordingly