Vendor Store Connectors

Features designed to create powerful product, service or booking solutions for B2B or B2C marketplaces

Vendor management is critical to a successful marketplace. UC Marketplace Marketplace provides marketplace operators with advanced vendor management capabilities designed to offer full control over the on-boarding, management and administration of marketplace vendors.

Vendor Subscriptions

UC Marketplace Marketplace offers a powerful, exclusive module that enables marketplace owners to create Services Marketplace where customers can book service providers and pay online. Use UC Marketplace Marketplace’s Service Marketplace module to create healthcare booking marketplace, professional services marketplaces, hair and beauty service marketplace, anything where you need customers to search for a service provider and make a booking.

Vendors can add Service Providers (professional individuals) who offer the specific service

Create appointment calendars for service providers

Vendors and Marketplace operators can manage bookings, change booking times, cancel booking and notify customers of changes

Create bookable service marketplaces for almost any service type which requires calendar based and time-bound booking

Vendors can create multiple offices or locations

Market Setup

UC Marketplace Marketplace offers a powerful, exclusive module that enables marketplace owners to create Services Marketplace where customers can book service providers and pay online. Use UC Marketplace Marketplace’s Service Marketplace module to create healthcare booking marketplace, professional services marketplaces, hair and beauty service marketplace, anything where you need customers to search for a service provider and make a booking.

Vendors can add Service Providers (professional individuals) who offer the specific service

Create appointment calendars for service providers

Vendors and Marketplace operators can manage bookings, change booking times, cancel booking and notify customers of changes

Create bookable service marketplaces for almost any service type which requires calendar based and time-bound booking

Vendors can create multiple offices or locations

UC Marketplace supports a workflow process to enable Vendor Onboarding, with the added benefit of creating Vendor Subscriptions. Vendor Subscription enable a marketplace owner to monetise the vendors on their platform by charging a monthly fee to use the platform. Subscription plans can be created with different plan frequency, value and entitlements.

Entitlements refers to the functionality that are available to a Vendor and includes the ability to manage and limit the functionality based on subscription type.

  • Create different subscriptions and subscription tiers
  • Set entitlements foe each subscription tier including product entitlements, enquiries, requests for quote etc.
  • Create recurring billing plans using UC Marketplace’s integrated Stripe Payment Gateway
  • Review and approve vendor registration requests
  • Vendors can login to create their stores and manage their product catalogues and bookings on the platform
  • Disable or Enable vendor accounts to manage access to the marketplace

Vendor Types enable Marketplace Owners to assign different vendor and/or location attribute sets and subscription plans to one type of vendor. When vendors are subscribing to the Marketplace, the subscription plans available and information asked will be different for each Vendor Type. This helps the Marketplace Owner to manage the marketplace and give different levels of permission to Vendors according to the types created.

Vendor attributes are the characteristics of a determined vendor. The Marketplace Owner manage these attributes to control and determine which data needs to be related to the vendors, such as vendor name or address. These attributes can be grouped into attribute sets after.

There are default attributes created for the Vendors. However, it is possible to create as many new attributes as needed to define different vendors.

There are 2 types of vendor payment configurations that you can have. Commissions and Wholesale.

Commission Vendor Payments

This is the standard implementation for payouts to vendors from the platform. In this model, the product is sold at $100, and the vendor will get the amount that the customer paid for, minus the Vendor and Category fees associated with it.

Wholesale Vendor Payments

In this implementation, the vendor will always get the product cost, regardless what the mark up is by the Marketplace Owner. The Marketplace can set an extra $10, $20 or even $50 mark up from the original product, and the Marketplace will keep the mark up cost for the product.

Our Vendor Shipping configurations allows Vendors to create and establish shipping options that they can offer to customers from each of their sources, based on various rules and conditions.

Vendors have the ability to:

  1. Create multiple shipping options without depending on the Marketplace Owner. These rules include – Standard delivery, Express delivery, Metro free shipping and any other variations of their shipping options.
  2. Create various shipping options to offer multiple tiers of shipping (such as by price or weight)
  3. Create shipping options based on the destination of the shipments (by Country, State, City and Postcode)
  4. Define a free shipping threshold for each of their shipping options if required.

This module replaces other Shipping Methods, such as Flat Rate and Free Shipping. This module also replaces the previous extension “Shipping Rules”.

Marketplaces deal with complex transaction processes between buyers, vendors and the marketplace owner. UC Marketplace’s Marketplace Commercials Management module simplifies every aspect of your marketplace’s transaction processing, fees, charges, commissions and payouts management into a streamlined, workflow-driven solution.

Fees management

Omnyfy’s Commercial Management module, Marketplace enables different fee structures which can be set at the marketplace level and affects all vendors within the marketplace, or at an individual Vendor level. Marketplace Operator can tailor the fees and charges for individual Vendors based on negotiated rates, or assign default fees to new Vendors. Multiple fee types are available, including (commissions, fixed disbursement fees, transaction fees, transaction fee surcharge, category commission)

Payouts administration

Payout refers to disbursing or paying out of funds received from a customer to Vendors. UC Marketplace supports multiple payout options depending on whether the marketplace is a product or service marketplace:

  • Automated payout on transaction completion – Vendor receives funds to their eWallets immediately and can withdraw funds when available.
  • Manual payout – Transactions are captured as “Pending Payout” when the order is placed. Once the order is marked as “Shipped”, then the transaction is moved from “Pending Payout” to “Ready to Pay”. Marketplace Operators can then manually execute a payment batch for all Vendors who are Ready to Pay

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Wholesale Vendor Payments

In this implementation, the vendor will always get the product cost, regardless what the mark up is by the Marketplace Owner. The Marketplace can set an extra $10, $20 or even $50 mark up from the original product, and the Marketplace will keep the mark up cost for the product.