Customer Price Books

Connectors that help your Vendors connect their eCommerce stores directly with your marketplace for seamless integrated marketplaces sales.

What is Customer Price Books?

B2B and Procurement marketplaces require the ability for Vendors to be able to offer customers a fully customised price offering.
Using UC Marketplace’s Customer Price Book functionality to deliver the ultimate pricing customisation with high volume,
high-speed custom pricing right down to a specific Buyer Organisation Group.


Part of UC Marketplace’s B2B Suite, Customer Price Books offers marketplaces the ability to create custom price books between Vendors and Buyers.

Vendors can create custom price books for specific Buyer Organisations. This offers even more powerful pricing capabilities that Customer Group Pricing as the prices can be set at a specific buyer levell.

Vendors can create Customer Price Books using our simple Import Tool, which also support Tier Pricing. Customer Price Books can be created for specific products or an entire Catalog. UC Marketplace will also maintain a full history of all prices applied for the Buyer Organisation providing detailed audit capabilities.

Suitable For:

  • B2B Marketplaces
  • Procurement Marketplaces
  • Marketplaces offering Bill-Of-Materials sales
  • Channel Marketplaces
  • Direct Sales Marketplaces

Suitable For:

  • Marketplaces where Vendors need the ability to offer customers custom pricing on specific products within their Catalog
  • Marketplaces for procurement of products or services where customers and vendors can negotiate prices for a Vendor Catalog
  • Marketplaces where customers need the ability to create Preferred Suppliers

Three way sync for seamless commerce

UC Marketplace Fuse is our connector technology that enables marketplaces to connect directly with Vendor eCommerce stores, PIM’s, ERP’s and other applications – including aggregators.

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Large and growing number of connectors

UC Marketplace currently connects to some of the most highly used eCommerce solutions in the market including Shopify, Big Commerce, WooCommerce, WIX, Squarespace, Magento 2 / Adobe Commerce, CIN7 and also supports Google Feeds with custom attributes.

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Large and growing number of connectors

UC Marketplace Fuse is a pay-as-you-go solution, simply pay for the connectivity you require and stop any time you want. If your Vendor rolls off your marketplace you can stop the connection immediately.

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Managed PaaS

UC Marketplace is delivered as a fully managed, Platform-As-A-Service. This means that your marketplace is delivered on lightening fast, high-performance hardware, in your region of operation on dedicated hardware, managed and monitored 24/7/365 as part of your subscription.

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Organisational Accounts

Organisation Accounts enable B2B marketplaces to operate multi-buyer accounts under a single customer organisation, with centralised payments, buyer administration and more.

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Customer Price Books

Price Books enable marketplace Vendors to negotiate and offer Organisation Specific or Buyer Specific prices for select or entire Catalogues.

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Managed PaaS

UC Marketplace is delivered as a fully managed, Platform-As-A-Service. This means that your marketplace is delivered on lightening fast, high-performance hardware, in your region of operation on dedicated hardware, managed and monitored 24/7/365 as part of your subscription.

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Organisational Accounts

Organisation Accounts enable B2B marketplaces to operate multi-buyer accounts under a single customer organisation, with centralised payments, buyer administration and more.

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Customer Price Books

Price Books enable marketplace Vendors to negotiate and offer Organisation Specific or Buyer Specific prices for select or entire Catalogues.

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