Features for Marketplace Operators

Features designed to create powerful product, service or booking solutions for B2B or B2C marketplaces

Marketplace capabilities

eCommerce marketplaces create powerful network effects that drive online sales. To properly manage an eCommerce marketplace, you need tools and features that can help facilitate online trading between multiple customer and vendors. UC Marketplace Marketplace’s powerful multi-vendor marketplace features deliver this capability and enables you to focus on the creation and management of your marketplace.

Create marketplaces for almost any product type (Simple, Configurable, Bundles, Grouped and Virtual products)

Create services marketplaces for professional service booking

Vendors can sell products and offer services booking simultaneously

Comprehensive localisation capabilities (Tax, Currency, Timezone and Language)

Support for popular payment gateways including PayPal, Braintree, eWay etc.

Vendor Management

Vendor management is critical to a successful marketplace. UC Marketplace Marketplace provides marketplace operators with advanced vendor management capabilities designed to offer full control over the on-boarding, management and administration of marketplace vendors.

Create, manage and edit vendors across multiple marketplaces

Vendors can manage their store, catalogue, promotions and services through their admin interface

Perform tasks on behalf of vendors

Vendors have their own stores and can create multiple locations/ warehouses

Same vendors can be assigned to multiple marketplaces on the same instance

Marketplace administration

Managing your marketplace needs to be simple but comprehensive. You need control over every aspect of your marketplace, your customers, vendors, categories, product attributes, design elements, communications and much more. UC Marketplace Marketplace gives you access to configuration controls with granular security courtesy of Magento’s powerful roles and privileges. Get total control over your marketplace administration and if you need more, no problem, the application is infinitely customisable to meet your business needs.

Ability to perform tasks on behalf of vendors or customers

Manage customers, edit customer details, perform re-orders or return requests on behalf of customers

Control all marketplace configurations

Ability to create multiple marketplaces on a single platform instance

Complete visibility over all marketplace activities including all orders, customers, vendors, sales, reviews and reports

Marketplace Payments

UC Marketplace has built in Stripe as our out-of-the-box marketplace payments solution. Stripe together with Stripe Connect provide global payment and disbursement support for all UC Marketplace marketplace solutions.

Payment methods supported with UC Marketplace Stripe Payments solution

  • Credit Card (VISA, Mastercard, AMEX, Diners)
  • AliPay
  • WeChat Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • Bancontact
  • Girpay
  • iDEAL
  • Multibanco
  • P24
  • SEPA Direct Debit
  • FPX

Other payment methods supported

  • Bank Transfer
  • Purchase Order
  • Cash On Delivery

Payments made by customers settle with the Marketplace Owner Stripe Account and are held in an escrow state until the payout is released via UC Marketplace’s Marketplace Commercials Management payout function.

Multiple payment methods including online and offline methods

Out of the box integration with Stripe

Can also be integrated with other payment gateways such as PayPal, Braintree etc (note that online integrated payouts currently only supported with Stripe)

Settle in any currency supported by your payment gateway

Global currency support – settle from 124+ currencies into the base-currency supported by your local bank.

Design and themes

Your marketplace is unique – you’re targeting a specific niche with specific user experience and purchase flow requirements. Why would you settle for a templated solution where the face your business looks like everyone else’s?

With Omnnymart you get to start off with selecting a beautiful theme which can be completely customised to your marketplace type and branding requirements.

If you have your own design, that’s excellent! showcase what’s unique about your marketplace and let Omnnymart’s design team apply your design to our marketplace platform.

Customisable theme with versatile, user-centric marketplace design

Fully responsive, adaptive design renders beautifully on any device

Single page checkout with customisable cart design encourages checkouts and lowered cart abandonment

Customise fonts, colours, headings, images, logos, email styles and more from the admin-back-end

UC Marketplace can design and implement gorgeous, user-centric, WCAG Level 2 AA compliant UI for government or public-sector marketplaces

Services Marketplace capabilities

UC Marketplace Marketplace offers a powerful, exclusive module that enables marketplace owners to create “Services Marketplace” where customers can book service providers and pay online.

Use UC Marketplace Marketplace’s Service Marketplace module to create healthcare booking marketplace, professional services marketplaces, hair and beauty service marketplace – anything where you need customers to search for a service provider and make a booking.

Vendors can add Service Providers (professional individuals) who offer the specific service

Create appointment calendars for service providers

Vendors and Marketplace operators can manage bookings, change booking times, cancel booking and notify customers of changes

Create bookable service marketplaces for almost any service type which requires calendar based and time-bound booking

Vendors can create multiple offices or locations for each of their businesses


Shipping in the context of eCommerce marketplaces is completely different to basic online stores. You need to consider your vendors and where they’re storing their products. Do you need to support drop shipping? centralised shipping? free shipping? Or a combination of everything?

Well, your search for the perfect marketplace solution to handle virtually any combination of shipping and inventory management is over. UC Marketplace Marketplace provides multiple shipping solutions that enable Marketplace Owners to choose the one that suits their business the most.

Dropshipping. UC Marketplace has built-in Easyship, a globally available cloud shipping solution in 26 countries supporting over 240 couriers. Easyship is the perfect solution for a marketplace or drop-ship model, where each vendor takes care of their own fulfilment process. Easyship integrates with a variety of leading international couriers across all over the world, providing flexible delivery solutions, assists with tax calculations and the paperwork. Learn more about Easyship integration.

Centralized delivery is an alternative to drop-shipping. With the centralized delivery model, the marketplace operator is completely responsible for the last-mile delivery, being able to ship the items directly from their physical location/warehouse. This delivery method is a great option for a traditional physical marketplace (grocery store, shopping mall, department store) that prefers to follow its regular fulfilment process. Popular centralized delivery solution providers include Sherpa and HDS.

  • Sherpa offers fast courier services for businesses and individuals in all major cities across Australia. Learn more about Sherpa integration.
  • Home Delivery Services (HDS) is an Australia-wide end-to-end refrigerated delivery solution. Learn more about HDS.

Additionally, UC Marketplace Marketplace also supports Multi-Warehouse per Vendor. This means that every one of your vendors can have multiple warehouses from where they want to ship. This can be a warehouse, their store or even their own home.

Customisable shipping methods

Integrate with Australia Post eParcel

Domestic and international shipping

Split shipping per order per vendor

Multi carrier support

Product catalogue

The heart of your marketplace, your product catalogue. This is one of the most powerful aspect of the Magento eCommerce platform. A sophisticated, multi-layered product catalogue with infinite configurations and customisation will allow you to create virtually any marketplace you can imagine.

UC Marketplace Marketplace extends Magento’s core product catalogue with service booking products and multi-warehouse inventory to allow your vendors total control over their products, services and inventory management.

Access Magento’s advanced pricing and promotions engine

Advanced product types such as customisable, configurable, bundle, grouped and virtual product types available to all vendors

The power of Magento’s comprehensive product catalogue capabilities

Multi-tier category management which can be managed centrally by the Marketplace Operator

Compare products across different vendors based on defined product attributes and comparable values

Product marketing and promotions

With every marketplace or eCommerce store it’s ultimately all about selling, and to do this effectively you need tools that help your vendors market and promote their products or services.

Leveraging Magento’s powerful Shopping Cart and Coupons engine, UC Marketplace Marketplace enables every vendor on your marketplace to create promotions and discounts such as straight percentage or dollar discounts, multi-buys, free product, free shipping and much more.

These discounts can be automatically applied based on your customer’s cart, or added via coupons. Omnnymart has extended the core functionality of Magento to support multiple coupon codes simultaneously, so customers can get multiple discounts from different vendors, driving increased basket size and therefore more revenue to vendors and your marketplace.

Product up-sell in cart can be set by Vendor or Marketplace owners

Cross sell products

Shopping cart pricing rules from Magento gives Vendors advanced promotion capabilities based on defined rules

Vendors have full control over pricing discounts and promotions.

Coupons can be created by Vendors or Marketplace owners

Marketing and Communications

Get your message out there and give your vendors the tools they need to communicate and market their products and services.

Social media integration

Can be integrated with Salesforce, Marketo, Dotmailer and other marketing automation suites

Newsletter subscriptions and email dispatch

Dynamic coupons created from shopping cart pricing rules at Vendor level or Marketplace owner level

Customers can create wishlists

Recurring purchases and subscriptions

Subscription services and scheduled repurchases are the fastest growing and most valuable forms of recurring revenue for eCommerce and marketplaces.

UC Marketplace Marketplace has designed and developed one of the most powerful automated repurchase and subscription systems available for a multi-vendor marketplace. This is a paid, add-on module for UC Marketplace Marketplace and delivers extensive configurations and functionality to power subscription purchases and scheduled, repurchase.

Marketplace Admin can enable recurring purchase for the marketplace

Customers can purchase a product using a recurring purchase

Customer can choose when to stop the recurring purchase

Recurrence rules can be set on a product basis, including time frames (Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly), Quantity limits, Number of times to allow failed billing etc.

The system will automatically process the orders based on the recurrence rules set by the customer

Events and RSVP

The events and rsvp module is an add-on that enables marketplace owners to publish events on their marketplace. Perfect for any marketplace where you’re trying to create a network within your platform by running offline events.

The module also enables marketplace owners and vendors to create events with RSVP and paid ticketing.

RSVP and guest attendee functionality

Manage the number of attendees that are permitted

Waiting list with automated or manual approval of RSVP

Integrated events creation functionality

Create events that customers can register to attend

Vendor On-boarding and Subscriptions

UC Marketplace supports a workflow process to enable Vendor Onboarding, with the added benefit of creating Vendor Subscriptions. Vendor Subscription enable a marketplace owner to monetise the vendors on their platform by charging a monthly fee to use the platform. Subscription plans can be created with different plan frequency, value and entitlements.

Entitlements refers to the functionality that are available to a Vendor and includes the ability to manage and limit the functionality based on subscription type.

Create different subscriptions and subscription tiers

Set entitlements for each subscription tier including product entitlements, enquiries, requests for quote etc.

Create recurring billing plans using UC Marketplace’s integrated Stripe Payment Gateway

Review and approve vendor registration requests

Vendors can login to create their stores and manage their product catalogues and bookings on the platform

Disable or Enable Vendor accounts to manage access to the marketplace

PIN based checkout

To create a simple, secure solution for procurement or B2B marketplaces, UC Marketplace introduced PIN checkout which enables a customer to authorise a checkout on their account by using a 4 digit PIN

Simple, secure authorisation

Usable on both Web and Mobile App checkout

Can be managed by the Marketplace Owner and reset if required

Request for Quote Module

Omnyfy’s powerful RFQ module is perfectly suited to B2B marketplaces and B2C marketplaces where there is a need for customers to provide more detailed information prior to receiving a custom price for the product

Enable vendors to receive quote requests from customers

Vendors manage their own quote responses

Vendors can create their own quote templates or use marketplace templates

Support for different form types

Marketplace Owners have oversight over all quote requests on the marketplace

Customers can request a quote for a product

Vendors can communicate with customers about their quote

Quotes can be submited by Vendors

Customers can Accept or Decline a quote

Accepted quotes are converted to orders and can be paid for by the customer

Enquiries Management

Enquiries provide the perfect lead generation tool for Vendors, with customers being able to make direct contact and communicate with Vendors on the marketplace

Customers can make enquiries directly with vendors

Vendors and Customers can communicate on the platform

Perfect, quick lead generation feature

Enquiries can be limited based on Vendor Subscription Plan

UC Marketplace Closer Vendor App

UC Marketplace Closer Vendor App is an iOS App add-on for UC Marketplace’s Marketplace. The app enables Vendors to manage orders, manage customers, fulfil orders, change order status and also create new orders for customers with PIN and Credit Card payment.

Perfectly suited for Airports, Shopping Centres, Food-Delivery Marketplaces and other Offline 2 Online Marketplaces, the app can act as both a POS (point-of-sale) as well as a field sales application.

Vendors can get a dashboard view of their orders and customers

Vendors receive order notifications

Vendors can view, filter and explore details of orders

Vendors have visibility over customer’s order history with them

Vendors can view their product catalogue

Vendors can place orders for customers with Credit Card or PIN checkout – perfect for event marketplaces

Returns management (RMA)

UC Marketplace together with our technology partner Mirasvit Technology, offer a complete returns management solution for marketplaces that require return management.

The built-in RMA features allow marketplace organisers to offer Vendors total control over the return management and approval process with in-built workflows for returns notification routing, approval and issue of credit memos.

Marketplace Owners can define mulriple return reasons, product conditions and resolution requirements.

Marketplace Owners can also create custom workflows for return approvals depending on vendor or RMA status.

The RMA module also integrates with the UC Marketplace Closer Vendor App to offer Vendors the ability to authorise returns at the point of sale, enabling marketplace owners to issue refunds with one touch, delivering the ideal solution for complex physical marketplaces such as Airport marketplaces, Shopping Centre marketplaces and Retail marketplaces.

Marketplace owners can define return reasons, resolutions and product or service conditions

Route returns requests using custom rules

Once returns are approved by Vendors, Marketplace Owners can trigger Credit Memos and refunds with just one click

Vendors can issue return labels to their own warehouses

Can be used for both product or service marketplaces, to request refunds

Customers can select specific products from their order for return

Marketplace Owners can enable / disable RMA on a product level

Credit Memos are automatically associated with RMA approvals

Virtual and Download Products

Virtual Products and Download Products are those that can be purchased by customers either as one-off purchases or via a subscription.

Virtual products effectively don’t have an inventory and can be used in any scenario where a product or service is saleable without the need to track inventory.

Downloadable products can be linked to files either stored directly on the marketplace or on external file-storage.

Virtual products can be combined with subscription capabilities to create SaaS service marketplaces.

Create products that can be linked to downloadable files or external links

Create products that don’t have physical tracked inventory

Customers receive links to download products or access services after they purchase the product

Marketplace Commercial Management

Marketplaces deal with complex transaction processes between buyers, vendors and the marketplace owner. UC Marketplace’s Marketplace Commercials Management module simplifies every aspect of your marketplace’s transaction processing, fees, charges, commissions and payouts management into a streamlined, workflow-driven solution.

Fees management

Omnyfy’s Commercial Management module, Marketplace enables different fee structures which can be set at the marketplace level and affects all vendors within the marketplace, or at an individual Vendor level. Marketplace Operator can tailor the fees and charges for individual Vendors based on negotiated rates, or assign default fees to new Vendors. Multiple fee types are available, including (commissions, fixed disbursement fees, transaction fees, transaction fee surcharge, category commission)

Payouts administration

Payout refers to disbursing or paying out of funds received from a customer to Vendors. UC Marketplace supports multiple payout options depending on whether the marketplace is a product or service marketplace:

  • Automated payout on transaction completion – Vendor receives funds to their eWallets immediately and can withdraw funds when available.
  • Manual payout – Transactions are captured as “Pending Payout” when the order is placed. Once the order is marked as “Shipped”, then the transaction is moved from “Pending Payout” to “Ready to Pay”. Marketplace Operators can then manually execute a payment batch for all Vendors who are Ready to Pay.

Customisable Business Rules

In addition to the above rules, UC Marketplace’s Payout Administration system can be extended with almost any other business rule to suit Marketplace Operators needs, such as 30 Day Payments or event triggers (e.g. customer reviews, explicit acknowledgement of goods received, order processing etc.)

Reports and Dashboard

Omnyfy’s Marketplace Commercials Management provides comprehensive dashboard views for every stakeholder:

  • vendors can view their earnings and their recent payouts;
  • marketplace operators can view pending payouts and amounts ready to pay, their earnings based on the different fee types on a per order basis, vendor’s earnings history and withdrawals history.


UC Marketplace is available out of the box, integrated with Stripe Connect and Stripe for payments in 140 currencies.

See “Payments” for more information on the different types of “Pay-In” payment solutions
supported by UC Marketplace.

Create different fee structures

Tailor your fees and charges for individual Vendors

Multiple fee types (commissions, fixed disbursement fees, transaction fees, transaction fee surcharge, category commission)

Manual and automated payouts

Comprehensive dashboard views

Customisable business rules

Wholesale Payments

Wholesale Payments is a new monetisation capability of UC Marketplace allowing Marketplace Owners to negotiate a pre-determine a Wholesale Payout Price for Vendors. This feature is now part of UC Marketplace Core in V2 and V4.

Marketplace owners can enable / disable Wholesale Payment as an option. If enabled, Vendors will receive an additional question at sign-up to ask them to choose what type of Vendor they would like to register as.

A Wholesale Vendor will still publish their products with a “Recommended Price” but this price can be modified by the Marketplace Owner who can set their preferred Sale Price

The Wholesale Vendor will set and control the Cost Price of the products

At Payout, the Wholesale Vendor will be paid the Cost Price x Qty sold, regardless of the Sale Price of the product

All commission calculations etc. will be based off the Wholesale Payout (Cost Price x Qty)

Wholesale Payouts is compatible with UC Marketplace’s Rebates Module to create complex payout and monetisation structures for the Marketplace

Vendor Rebates

Rebates are a powerful tool to enable marketplace to improve their monetisation capabilities through the creation of customisable rebates based on sales thresholds. Rebates are commonly used in B2B and Retail Sales where the retailer is provided with rebates for marketing, sales targets, promotions and other merchandising functions.

A Rebate is basically an additional payment from the Vendor to the Marketplace Owner for service rendered or sales targets delivered.

Omnyfy’s Vendor Rebates module is one of the most powerful monetisation solutions for Marketplace Owners as it delivers multiple rebate types, calculation and payment mechanisms.

Rebates can be configured by the Marketplace Owner

Rebates can be calculated based on the Sales Price (for Commission Vendors) or Cost Price (for Wholesale Vendors)

Rebates can be configured to be calculated for each sale, Per Month or Annually on a specific date

Rebates can be configured to include Sales Value Threshold – this means that the rebate will only be calculated once the order value or order values (for monthly or annual rebates) exceed the Sales Threshold

Multiple Rebate % can be created by the Marketplace Owner offering Vendors the flexibility to choose how much rebate they would like to offer

Vendors can select the Rebate Value that they would like to offer for each Rebate Type

Once a Rebate Value is selected by Vendors, they can request changes to their rebate through a built-in change mechanisms

Any changes must be approved by the Marketplace Owner before it becomes active

Rebate calculations are presented to both Marketplace Owner and Vendors

Vendors have a detailed view of all of the rebates payable per Order

Monthly and Annual rebates are accrued during the period and an invoice is automatically generates at the end of the period

Order rebates payable immediately are automatically deducted from the Payout amount to the Vendors

All rebates are displayed transparently for Vendors with each Payout Invoice