Catalog and Product Management

Versatle Product Offerings

Effortlessly manage and sell a diverse range of product types, including physical items, digital downloads, and services. Customize each product by designating it as ‘tangible’ for physical goods, ‘virtual’ for services, or ‘digital’ for downloadable content. For digital products, easily upload files and set download limits to maintain control and flexibility over your offerings.

Diverse Product Types: Configure products as ‘tangible’ for physical goods, ‘virtual’ for services, or ‘digital’ for downloadable files, accommodating a wide range of offerings.

Download Control: Set limits on the number of times each user can download a digital file, maintaining security and reducing unauthorized distribution.

Seamless File Management: Easily upload files for digital products and manage their distribution, ensuring users have controlled access to their purchases.

Enhanced Flexibility: Cater to various business models and customer needs by offering different product types, from physical items to services and digital content.

Moderated Reviews

Review moderation empowers merchants to shape their online brand image with precision. By carefully selecting which reviews are displayed, businesses can effectively manage the narrative surrounding their products and store. This proactive approach allows for the timely addressing of negative feedback, ensuring a consistently positive online presence.

Enhanced Credibility: Highlight genuine customer experiences while filtering out spam or irrelevant reviews, maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of your brand.

Improved Customer Insights: Gain valuable insights into customer preferences and areas for improvement, helping to refine products and services.

Customer Engagement: Foster a constructive dialogue with customers by responding to reviews and demonstrating your commitment to quality and service.

Brand Consistency: Ensure that the messaging and tone of reviews align with your brand values, creating a cohesive and positive brand image across all touchpoints.

Product Attributes

Define and manage comprehensive product attributes, enabling a detailed and customizable product catalog. This feature enhances the customer shopping experience by providing clear, specific information about each product, with the added flexibility to modify price and shipping rates by attribute.

Customizable Attributes: Define unique product attributes such as size, color, material, and more to meet the specific needs of your business.

Enhanced Searchability: Improve product discoverability with detailed attributes that facilitate advanced search and filtering options.

Price and Shipping Adjustments: Modify prices and shipping rates based on specific attributes, offering tailored pricing and delivery options.

Consistent Product Information: Ensure uniform and accurate product information across your catalog, helping customers make informed purchasing decisions.


Ensure precise tracking by product and product variant, ensuring you have accurate stock information at all times. With features to prevent or allow purchases when items are out of stock and notifications for low inventory, you can maintain optimal stock levels and avoid sales disruptions.

Variant Tracking: Monitor inventory levels for each product variant to maintain accurate stock records.

Out-of-Stock Controls: Choose to prevent or allow purchases when products are out of stock, maintaining control over sales.

Stock Alerts: Receive notifications when inventory is running low, ensuring timely restocking.

Optimized Stock Management: Keep your inventory balanced to meet customer demand without overstocking.

Warehouses and Dropshipping

Our multiwarehouse management feature simplifies inventory distribution and fulfillment by enabling businesses to set up multiple warehouses and assign products accordingly. This functionality ensures seamless order processing by notifying the appropriate warehouse when an order is placed.

Multiple Warehouse Setup: Easily configure and manage multiple warehouses to optimize inventory distribution and streamline operations.

Automated Notifications: Automatically notify the relevant warehouse of new orders to ensure timely and accurate order fulfillment.

Product Assignment: Assign specific products to designated warehouses to maintain organized and efficient inventory management.

Enhanced Drop Shipping: Improve drop shipping capabilities by leveraging multiple warehouses for faster and more efficient order processing.

Search and Filtered Menus

Filtered Menus enable your visitors to easily find what they are looking for by filtering search results based on product characteristics such as Product Type, Color, Price, Size, and more. This navigation tool, used by top stores like Amazon, eBay, and NewEgg, gives you complete control over the filters and their appearance.

Enhanced Navigation: Allow customers to filter search results by various product characteristics like Product Type, Color, Price, and Size.

Customizable Filters: Gain complete control over which filters are available and how they appear to customers.

User-Friendly Experience: Improve the shopping experience by making it easier for customers to find specific products quickly.

Industry Standard: Implement navigation similar to that of top eCommerce stores, enhancing your site’s usability and professionalism.

Product Widgets

Product Widgets are designed to help you sell products seamlessly across the web. Acting as attractive, informative links, these widgets display key product details, including photos, anywhere HTML can be posted. Customers can click and purchase directly from your site, enhancing the shopping experience and driving sales.

Versatile Integration: Easily place product widgets anywhere online where HTML is supported.

Direct Purchases: Allow customers to click on widgets and purchase directly from your site, streamlining the buying process.

Enhanced Visual Appeal: Display key product information, including images, for a more engaging customer experience.

Customizable: Modify widgets with basic HTML knowledge to better fit your business needs and branding.

Import / Export

Streamline product data management by enabling easy information transfers in and out of the platform. It supports bulk updates, data migration, and backups, ensuring your product catalog remains accurate and secure.

Bulk Data Management: Quickly update or add multiple products simultaneously, saving time and minimizing manual entry errors.

Secure Backups: Regularly export data to create secure backups, safeguarding your product information from loss or corruption.

Seamless Data Migration: Effortlessly transfer product data to and from other systems, streamlining platform transitions.

Best Sellers

SMB Commerce Solutions’s best sellers feature allows businesses to customize the criteria for determining best-selling products, control the number of displayed best sellers, and enhance the checkout experience with upsell opportunities through the “Customers who bought ‘X’ also bought ‘Y’” feature.

Customizable Time Frames: Define specific time frames to accurately determine and display best-selling products.

Upsell Feature: Enable the “Customers who bought ‘X’ also bought ‘Y’” feature to drive additional sales during the checkout process.

Display Control: Manage the number of best sellers shown to optimize visibility and customer engagement.

Dynamic Recommendations: Utilize dynamic product recommendations to enhance the shopping experience and increase average order value.

Flexible Product Taxonomy

Fully customizable product taxonomy allows you to define categories, attributes, attribute sets, and options, providing complete control over how your products are organized and displayed. Features like “stealth” categories and customizable category displays ensure a tailored and strategic presentation of your product catalog.

Customizable Categories: Define and manage categories to fit your specific product organization needs.

Stealth Categories: Build hidden categories for internal use or targeted promotions.

Dynamic Attributes: Create and assign attributes and attribute sets for detailed product descriptions.

Flexible Display Options: Control how categories are presented to visitors for an optimized shopping experience.


Enhance your product catalog with dedicated manufacturer-specific pages, improving SEO and making it easier for customers to find products by their preferred manufacturers. This feature supports manufacturer-based searches, offering a streamlined and user-friendly shopping experience.

Manufacturer Pages: Create dedicated pages for each manufacturer to boost SEO and brand visibility.

SEO Benefits: Improve search engine rankings by associating products with well-known manufacturer brands.

Enhanced Search Functionality: Enable customers to search and filter products by specific manufacturers.

User-Friendly Experience: Simplify the shopping process with organized and easily navigable manufacturer-specific pages.