From the Ultra Commerce Marketing Team,

In previous posts we’ve covered the importance of Product Management and Marketplace as part of a fully integrated platform for your online selling. But those are just two components of a fully integrated solution. A third and perhaps most important module in this scenario is an Order Management System.

What if you’ve outgrown your existing order system due to experiencing more complex management requirements?

OMS is the life blood of your eCommerce ecosystem. It is the nerve center that all the critical aspects of Customer Experience center around. The ability to not just meet a delivery promise but to initially make that promise at purchase is the beginning of a new customer journey every time. To make good on that promise is integral to maintaining a customer throughout their lifespan.

But why if you just need an OMS, is a fully integrated platform necessary?

  • The customer buying journey begins with your storefront. A content management system comes part of a fully integrated platform.
  • In order to scale effectively, a product information management module is necessary to cleanse, sort and display all accurate product data across multiple brands and categories.
  • Growth may require additional revenue streams. Marketplace is an effective way to own customer data while also owning the customer experience for vendors and customers alike.

Go with OMS as part of a fully integrated eCommerce platform

Order management, CMS, PIM and Marketplace all on one platform under one license allows your organization to grow with your technology partner. Only pay for what you use when starting out, and only use the modules you need initially. Everything is out of the box and ready for your organization to employ when you are ready.

At the end of the day it is all about creating optimal shopping experiences for your customers. Whether you are B2B, D2C or even B2C, increasing lifetime value among your most loyal shoppers is the most direct track to growth for your organization.

We recently hosted a Master Class on common order management challenges and solutions. Check it out here.