B2B manufacturers have long viewed complex order orchestration and order fulfillment as a network of disparate systems and processes working together to meet the delivery promise.

From Ultra Commerce and Yantra Commerce

B2B manufacturers have long viewed complex order orchestration and order fulfillment as a network of disparate systems and processes working together to meet the delivery promise. As the manufacturing industry evolved and more organizations adopted direct to consumer (D2C) capabilities, the need for connecting these systems and providing a cohesive end to end customer experience strengthened.

Today, manufacturers must invest in the right end to end fulfillment solution to adequately and seamlessly meet the expectations of their valued customers.

So what is ‘the right end to end fulfillment solution’? The back end of your order orchestration and fulfillment capabilities should factor in several key components, notably automation, scalability and visibility:

  • Automation – As your order intake grows, you will need an automated system that removes the human element. Human error and the inefficiencies that come with various manual processes calls for automation.
  • Scalability – Is your solution flexible enough to scale as your organization expands? Does it have the functionality to adopt D2C or Marketplace capabilities in a single platform?
  • Visibility – The customer experience is critical to growing revenue and engendering loyalty among your buyers. The right solution allows for consistent, accurate communication throughout the order fulfillment phase straight through to delivery.

We want to hear more about your organization’s challenges around end to end order fulfillment. Two experts are better than one, and that’s why we teamed with Yantra Commerce to deliver this unique and complete solution. Drop us a line.