From the Ultra Commerce Product & Technology Team,

So you’ve outgrown your eCommerce platform. Here’s what comes next.

When you initially adopted your eCommerce platform, your company was in a much different place. As time goes by, your organization grows and in order to keep up with that growth, add-ons and extensions create something akin to Frankenstein’s monster. A platform with disparate licenses and modules, making it unwieldy at best and inefficient at worst – leading to negative customer experiences.

In addition to poor CX, outgrowing your eCommerce platform can also lead to:

  • Lost revenue associated with abandoned buyer journeys
  • Availability, scalability and performance issues due to increased demand from growth
  • Growing pains associated with proliferation of multiple point products and custom extensions
  • Lack of features and capabilities aligned with consumer expectations
  • The inability to innovate quickly due to legacy architecture constraints and lack of in-house skills

The solution to these challenges is to go with the eCommerce platform that is built to scale with your company as it grows. With all the modules, features and capabilities available out of the box. Not in the future as you need them. All on one platform under one license:

  • Enterprise commerce
  • Content management
  • Product management
  • Order management
  • Application performance management
  • Enterprise marketplace

The key benefits associated with choosing such a platform, include:

  • Go live in weeks instead of months
  • 99.999% availability, scalability, performance and security (PCI-DSS Tier 1)
  • Enterprise features without integration or highly skilled development requirements
  • Flexibility to evolve and grow with your business as it grows

Want to learn more? We recently published a PDF on Outgrowing your eCommerce Platform.