Sales & Marketing

Promotional Codes

Flexible Promotional Codes allow you to create and manage a variety of discount codes to attract new customers and retain existing ones. This feature helps you run targeted promotions and boost sales effortlessly.

Customizable Discounts: Set up percentage-based or fixed-amount discounts.

Usage Restrictions: Limit codes to specific products, customer groups.

Limited Time Offers: Create time-sensitive codes to drive urgency.

Tracking and Analytics: Monitor the performance of each code and adjust strategies accordingly.

Gift Certificates

Offer digital gift certificates that customers can purchase and redeem, driving additional sales and expanding your customer base. Gift certificates provide a convenient and popular gifting option.

Easy Creation and Management: Quickly create and manage gift certificates.

Instant Delivery: Send gift certificates directly via email.

Customizable Amounts: Allow customers to choose from various preset amounts.

Redemption Tracking: Track when and how gift certificates are redeemed.

Abandonded Cart Recovery

Automatically reach out to customers who leave items in their cart, encouraging them to complete their purchase. This feature helps recover potentially lost sales and increase your conversion rates.

Automated Emails: Send timely reminders to customers about their abandoned carts.

Tracking and Reporting: Monitor recovery rates and optimize your strategy.

Personalized Messaging: Customize emails to include product details and special offers.

Incentive Options: Offer discounts or free shipping to entice customers to complete their purchase.

Social Media Sharing

Enable customers to share their favorite products on social media platforms, increasing visibility and driving traffic to your store. Social media sharing is an effective way to harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing.

Easy Integration: Add social sharing buttons to product pages.

User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share their purchases and experiences.

Enhanced Reach: Increase your brand’s visibility on various social platforms.

Analytics: Track the impact of social shares on traffic and sales.

Advanced Product Recommendations

Utilize sophisticated algorithms to suggest products to customers based on their browsing and purchasing behavior. This feature enhances the shopping experience and increases average order value.

Personalized Suggestions: Show relevant product recommendations to each customer.

Behavioral Analysis: Uses customer data to refine recommendation accuracy.

Cross-Selling and Up-Selling: Promote complementary or higher-end products.

Real-Time Updates: Ensure recommendations are always current and relevant.

Fully Integrated with Google Analytics and GTM

Seamlessly track and analyze your website’s performance with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager integration. This integration provides valuable insights into customer behavior and campaign effectiveness.

Comprehensive Tracking: Monitor key metrics like traffic, conversions, and user behavior.

Enhanced Reporting: Access detailed reports to inform your marketing strategies.

Custom Tags and Triggers: Use GTM to deploy tracking codes without altering site code.

Real-Time Data: Make data-driven decisions with up-to-date information.

QR Code Support

Generate QR codes for products and promotions, making it easy for customers to access information and make purchases. QR codes bridge the gap between offline and online shopping experiences.

Simple Generation: Create QR codes directly within your admin panel.

Instant Access: Link QR codes to product pages, special offers, or contact information.

Versatile Use Cases: Use QR codes on packaging, in-store displays, and marketing materials.

Trackable Engagement: Monitor how often and where QR codes are scanned.

Optimized for Best Search Positioning

Ensure your store ranks highly in search engines with built-in SEO optimization features. High search visibility drives more organic traffic and enhances your store’s online presence.

SEO-Friendly URLs: Automatically generate search-friendly URLs for products and categories.

Sitemap Generation: Create and submit sitemaps to search engines for better indexing.

Meta Descriptions: Easily add, edit and generate metas to improve search rankings.

Mobile Optimization: Ensure your store performs well on mobile devices, a crucial factor for SEO.

Follow-Up Campaigns

Enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction by building effective follow-up campaigns. Our tools help you stay connected with your customers through personalized emails, updates, and special incentives, ensuring a lasting relationship.

Automated Follow-Up: Utilize automated tools to schedule timely follow-up messages, maintaining consistent customer engagement without manual effort.

Social Sharing: Encourage customers to share their purchasing experiences with others via social media or word of mouth, amplifying your brand reach and credibility.

Customer Surveys: Send out surveys asking customers to rate their satisfaction with the buying experience, gathering valuable feedback to improve services.


Easily create and display customer testimonials with ratings on your store . This robust tool enables merchants to leverage customer feedback strategically, enhancing their brand’s credibility and driving informed purchasing decisions.

Customizable: Merchants can fine-tune the appearance of testimonials to align seamlessly with their store’s branding and user experience design.

Enhanced Credibility: Utilizing authentic customer feedback not only boosts trust but also supports data-driven marketing strategies and decision-making processes.

Integrated Rating System: Enable customers to provide detailed ratings alongside their testimonials, offering nuanced insights into product or service performance.