Promotions & Marketing

UC Enterprise provides eCommerce marketers with a powerful toolkit of marketing and promotion tools to drive customer acquisition, sales and loyalty, with the added benefit of being extensible with integrations into popular ecommerce marketing solutions via our API suite.

UC Enterprise Promotions image

Data Collection based qualifiers

Gather data to create personalized promotion qualifiers

Target promotions using detailed customer data

Customize offers based on behavior

Enhance personalization for better engagement

Utilize data insights for promotions

Order, item and shipping promo types

Provide various promotional types for orders, items, and shipping

Diverse promotion types for flexibility

Increase sales with targeted promos

Tailor promotions to specific needs

Engage customers with shipping deals

Dynamic Field Targeting

Use dynamic fields to target promotions based on customer behavior and preferences

Adapt promotions based on user behavio

Boost conversion rates

Improve relevance with dynamic targeting

Customize offers with precision

Auto Apply Promotion Codes

Automatically apply eligible promotion codes to customer orders

Automate the creation of promotion codes based on rules

Increase promotion redemption

Ensure customers never miss a deal

Simplify discount application process

Account Based Promotions

Create promotions specific to customer accounts

Tailor deals to individual accounts.

Increase retention through targeted promotions.

Foster customer loyalty with personalized offers.

Customize offers per account.

Timed Promotions & Offers

Schedule promotions and offers to run at specific times

Create urgency with limited-time offers.

Automate promotion timelines. 

Schedule deals to boost sales. 

Maximize impact during peak periods.

Quantity Based Pricing Levels

Offer different pricing levels based on purchase quantities

Encourage bulk purchases with discounts.

Boost average order value. 

Implement tiered pricing easily. 

Reward customers for higher volumes.

Bundle & Kit Pricing Configuration

Configure special pricing for product bundles and kits

Increase sales with bundle deals.

Simplify bundle pricing management. 

Enhance value perception. 

Boost average order size.

Pricing Groups

Create and manage different pricing groups for various customer segments

Offer custom pricing for segments.

Improve customer satisfaction. 

Enhance pricing strategy flexibility. 

Cater to different market needs.

Loyalty Rewards Program

Implement a program to reward customers with points and benefits

Boost repeat purchases with rewards.

Create a robust rewards system. 

Boost repeat purchases with rewards. 

Improve retention rates.

Points & Reward Configuration

Configure the points and rewards system for customer purchases

Customize point allocation and rewards.

Simplify rewards management. 

Enhance user engagement with points. 

Increase program participation.

Membership Based Discounts

Offer exclusive discounts to members

Drive membership sign-ups with discounts.

Enhance member retention. 

Reward loyal customers. 

Offer unique deals for members.

Order Template Promotions

Apply promotions to order templates to streamline repeat purchases

Simplify repeat order processes.

Ensure consistent discounts. 

Ensure consistent discounts. 

Maintain promotional consistency.