Audit Logs

Audit logs provide a detailed overview of administrator activities, including login times, locations, and specific actions taken. This feature enhances transparency and security by allowing merchants to monitor and review administrative actions comprehensively.

Login Tracking: View when administrators logged in and from where to monitor access patterns.

Enhanced Transparency: Gain insights into administrative activities to maintain a transparent operational environment.

Action Monitoring: Review the specific actions taken by administrators to ensure compliance and accountability.

Security Oversight: Strengthen security by closely tracking and auditing administrator actions and behaviors.

PCI – Compliant

SMB Commerce Solutions ensures PCI Compliance to safeguard sensitive customer data and maintain secure payment processing standards. This feature adheres to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), providing robust protection against data breaches and fostering customer trust. By implementing stringent security measures, SMB Commerce Solutions helps merchants maintain a secure eCommerce environment.

Data Security: Protect sensitive customer data through compliance with PCI DSS, reducing the risk of data breaches and fraud.

Customer Trust: Foster customer confidence by maintaining high security standards, reassuring them that their information is safe.

Secure Payment Processing: Ensure all payment transactions are processed securely, meeting industry standards for data protection.

Regulatory Adherence: Stay compliant with industry regulations, avoiding potential fines and penalties associated with non-compliance.

Advanced Security Monitoring

Advanced Security Monitoring offers automated, 24/7/365 security monitoring to protect your store by collecting and analyzing all network traffic and identifying suspicious behaviors. This comprehensive service includes network intrusion detection and monitoring, even for offline devices, and is delivered via a lightweight, cloud-based security agent with minimal impact on resources.

Continuous 24/7/365 Monitoring: Collect and analyze network traffic round-the-clock to detect suspicious behaviors and unauthorized activities.

Endpoint Protection: Protect critical non-traditional endpoints, such as manufacturing and medical devices, from network vulnerabilities.

Comprehensive Visibility: Maintain full visibility of your network, including real-time information on connected devices and traffic analysis.

DDoS Attack Prevention: Prevent and mitigate Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks to ensure network stability.

Automated Threat Hunting: Employ automation to identify cyber threats, data breaches, and behavior-based Indicators of Attack (IOAs).

Fraud Prevention

Integrates with third-party tools like FraudLabs and NoFraud, in addition to the tools provided by payment providers, ensuring the highest level of fraud prevention available. This comprehensive approach protects your business from fraudulent activities, enhancing security and customer trust.

Third-Party Integration: Seamlessly integrate with leading fraud prevention tools like FraudLabs and NoFraud.

Comprehensive Protection: Safeguard your business against fraudulent activities with advanced detection and prevention measures.

Enhanced Security: Combine third-party tools with payment provider protections for robust fraud prevention.

Customer Trust: Build and maintain customer trust by ensuring a secure and fraud-free shopping experience.

PA-DSS Complaint

SMB Commerce Solutions ensures PA-DSS compliance, adhering to the Payment Application Data Security Standard to secure payment applications. This compliance guarantees that sensitive payment data is protected, reducing the risk of data breaches and enhancing overall security. By following these stringent guidelines, SMB Commerce Solutions helps merchants maintain a secure and trustworthy payment processing environment.

Payment Data Security: Protect sensitive payment information by adhering to PA-DSS standards, minimizing the risk of data breaches.

Compliance Assurance: Stay compliant with regulatory requirements, avoiding penalties and maintaining a secure eCommerce platform.

Secure Payment Applications: Ensure that all payment applications meet industry security standards for safe transactions.

Enhanced Trust: Foster customer confidence by demonstrating a commitment to high security standards and protecting their payment information.